Poona Agro Cart: A Mission To Build A Healthy Ecosystem.

A mission to build a healthy ecosystem.
We Source fresh produce directly from farmers and deliver it to your doorstep. Our advanced supply chain system helps us to deliver fresh fruits and vegetables.
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Poona Agro Cart Is Proud To Have

Registered farmers
Acres of land
Villages covered
Countries served
Customers Worldwide
Years in the industry

Our Apps

We’d love to hear from you. If you have any question, suggestion or feedback then please feel free to get in touch with us.
B2C: Growzo
B2B: PAC Bizz
Farmers: PAC Farmer
Delivery: PAC Genie

Join Our Team

We at Poona Agro Cart always aim to bring highly qualified and motivated people with diverse backgrounds to work on different projects.
Let’s create a revolution together!
All Openings

Our Licences & Certificates

Contact Us

We’d love to hear from you. If you have any question, suggestion or feedback then please feel free to get in touch with us.
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