Our Apps

We’d love to hear from you. If you have any question, suggestion or feedback then please feel free to get in touch with us.
B2C: Growzo
B2B: PAC Bizz
Farmers: PAC Farmer
Delivery: PAC Genie

B2C: Growzo

Get delivered more than 200 fruits and vegetables at your door-step. Our fruits and vegetables are of:
Chemical Free
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B2B: PAC Bizz

PAC Bizz is a B2B platform for organized or unorganized business owners who want to purchase in bulk quantities like:
Vegetable Shops
Corporate Canteens & more
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Farmers: PAC Farmer

PAC Farmer is an online marketplace for farmers where they can list their products and get updates on the latest market trends. In addition, we provide the best information on:
Crop Production
Crop Protection
Allied Services
Advanced Farming Solution & more
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